21 March, 2014

May 13th 2014 - An Evening With Carolyn Menteith

Join us on May 13th, at 6pm, for
An Evening With Carolyn Menteith KCAI (CDA) DipCABT
£20 per person, to include light refreshments.
Prior booking essential.

Dogs Trust Harefield~ Highway Farm House, Harvil Rd, Harefield, Uxbridge. UB9 6JW
Carolyn will be presenting not one, but two seminars for us.

Beneficial & entertaining for owners & professionals

Bite Me!

No matter where we choose to work in the dog world, or whatever involvement we have with dogs, we have to have a knowledge of canine aggression. This may be one of the important areas of our work and yet far too few people understand it. Even if we don't deal with the outcome, we all need to know how aggression starts, how to prevent it, what it is - and very often what it isn't - if we want to be able to help our clients have a safe and happy life with their dogs - or have a safe and happy life with our own dogs.

Breed Specific Learning

As companion dog trainers or as owners, it is not enough just to know how dogs learn. We need to be able to acknowledge that all breeds and types are different, and so what works for one will not work for all. Given that we are faced daily with a wide range of breeds, we need to be able to combine canine learning theory with a knowledge of breed development in order to help our clients get the best from their dogs - or indeed our own dogs - especially those thought of as being 
more problematic.
Read More About Carolyn HERE

For Bookings & Further Information Please Email Lorraine